Wednesday, September 11, 2024

For a Fleeting Moment

For a Fleeting Moment September 11, 2001. a day that shook us to the core. We can remember this day and I hope that each of us do, I hope we help our children and grand children remember. While this day is forever etched in my mind and has changed me as a person. The thing I remember most and long for the return of is the feeling of unity and love we had for one another. As Individuals, and as a collective body, for a fleeting moment we were the United States. We set aside our differences and stations of life to be a little kinder. A nod of the head, a simple act of kindness, a handshake all took a different feeling in our hearts. This is also what I remember and I long for the return of that feeling. I pray to God that it doesn’t take tragedy. Or despair to put us in such a mindset again.